Sunday, April 4, 2010

Getting Ready

Well I am getting ready for the trip even though it is still two months away. With the help of past visitors to Southeast Asia (SEA), I have made a list of things to bring. Now is the time to get those things. Everything from Visas to malaria tablets to tissue. I can't leave out the loads of hand sanitizer either. My next big stops are to the doctor's office and the vaccine clinic. Great, shots. I can deal.
I also have started to tell people face to face about the trip so they don't have to hear it from the grape vine. I think that is better.
I have to admit I am going crazy though. All my thoughts are going toward the trip and the trip alone. When I went to Israel I was in my second year of teaching (stress), inbetween jobs/schools (stress), and had been planning that trip for years. Now the situation is completely different. I am on the edge of going crazy, luckly I know the way.

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