Monday, April 26, 2010

Ready and Waiting

Thanks to my sister, the Vietnamese government, and soon to be Wal-Mart, I am just about ready to leave. My sister, the shopper she is, helped me get together some of the last few things on my list. She found me a nice travel guide book (don't mind the acetone) and an extremely small umbrella (I think it is from a cocktail) among other things. The Vietnamese government sent me back my Passport with a visa to come visit. I have to admit sending my Passport away was a little nerve-racking. More so was the day UPS returned it and left it partly under my door mat. Real safe. Wal-Mart has my camera in route to me. So a little pants shopping and getting some Thai money then I am off. Oh wait, 950 hours to go.
So how do I fill those hours? I have spent so much time surfing the net for information to use for my trip and have so many bookmarks of web pages that I like, it has made me overwhelm myself. Then there is teaching. May is a hard month for teaching. It is the most stressful and students start shutting down. What will make it even harder now is that I want to close up shop.
If I go crazy don't worry, I have a frequent flyer's pass so I know the way. I think I have crazy listed as my permanent address. Anyway, five more pre-trip entries and then I am gone. Hope I continue with this journal once I have started the journey.

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