Saturday, April 17, 2010

Seven Weeks

Not much to say, the mind is still crazy but there is less to do.

I am off to the doctor’s office Monday for some meds but still have nothing on vaccines. I am going to ask him about a convenient place to go because I am not finding one. Some of the vaccines are expensive. I am also waiting on my Visa from Vietnam. I had to send my passport off to get the visa, scary.
I just ordered a camera from Wal-Mart online. It looks nice and wasn’t expensive. It was less because it was red. The last one I bought was for Israel and that was five years ago. I don’t take picture unless it is on a trip and so I am pretty bad at it. Hope I do better this time.
I can't speed up time so I guess I will just have to impatiently wait. Later.

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