Saturday, June 5, 2010


In LAX now and I have a six hour layover. It wouldn’t be so bad if the ticket counter was open to take my bag but it is not. So I want to sit in the line, or what could be considered a proto-line, so I can get a good seat. I don’t want to sit just using up my battery while trying to make a “How to Speak Vietnamese” power point. What to do? I know I will need dinner at some point. I can have grain. I know in NYC trying to take El Air, I left and came back four hours before departure time to the line and ended up, after inspection, being one of the last three on the airplane. That sucked having everyone look at you knowing you were the reason they were still on the ground.

I lost two inches around the waste and now with the money pouch, it looks like I gained. I forgot the Altoids. No birds in LAX. Hot ladies.

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