Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Start

Well I am at terminal 4, Southwest airlines, Gate D5 waiting for my 3:45 pm 157 flight to LAX. My trip has gone interesting so far. Super Shuttle arrived 40 minutes early and I didn’t get to do all the things I needed to do before I left. I didn’t empty my frig or throw away the trash. I didn’t put them on the “to do” list because I didn’t think I would dare forget them. Good going, right. Next I forgot to take my neck pillow and probably something else (or more). I know I have the essentials. As I was told by Anne at school, I would be leaving things everywhere I go across the countries.

I just tore apart my carry-on, taking everything out to find my camera cord to transfer pictures to the computer. It was under the bag that holds the water bottle. Boy oh boy.

There is a bird in the airport terminal. Just hopping around. No, there are five. No cares in the world; they don’t seem to be bothered by the people either. Maybe they are waiting for their boarding pass.

I talked to a nice man who was in Phoenix for his mothers 86th birthday for about half an hour on the subject of travelling, where we have gone and the such. Then I was asked what I was going to do after I am all done with my travels and I told him, “Now that I am all done with my travels I am going to go to Disneyland.” He laughed with a belly roll.

My boarding pass is A27, I guess that is good.

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