Thursday, June 3, 2010

Packing it up

So now it is time to pack. Usually when I go on a trip, I pack the night before. South East Asia and Israel are different. One month takes a little more time to pack successfully. I have everything on my floor, spread out like the pieces to a puzzle. This puzzle must fit in my pack and airline dimensions. I think the 44 pounds will be easy but the combined inches will be hard. Actually I have no idea what all this stuff weighs. I am packing this in a weird way that is probably not very efficient but hopefully it works. Using a backpack is for specific trips and I really don’t know if this will be a trip of that type. I hope that a backpack is a need (must) and not a recommendation because it has come down to the time where I no longer have a choice. I am actually getting concerned and actually troubled about this.

Well everything is checked off on my list, big list, except for maybe printing off my family pictures and finding Arizona quarters. I only have three and would like fifteen. I am debating whether to get a $100 in quarters and see what I can find then return them to the change machine. I would like to also get something regional for a gift to take but I haven’t found anything that isn’t expensive.

I have asked some people what they would like me to bring back for them and hopefully I will remember some of them. Granma had the greatest request, “You back safely.” I think I will bring everyone back a little Buddha, especially Kimmy. About 60 hours left.

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