Sunday, May 2, 2010

Just keeping up

Everything is going well. I picked up the camera and once I have read some of the instruction book I am going to do a "how long will the batteries last" test. At the same time I will do a "how many pictures can I take" test. This will give me an idea of the number of batteries and amount of storage I will need for my trip. Five weeks.


  1. This is interesting. First of all, I have to ask because you KNOW I am extremely nosy (still) - what's the second thing on your "before I'm old" list? And second, will you be able to blog from abroad? That would be amazing, for your family and friends to get to share your trip with you almost as it happens. It would also serve as a journal of sorts, especially if you were to add your photos (no need to worry about memory on the camera if you're uploading as you go to your blog (Blogger/Picasa saves at full size, so genius) and then when you got home, you could make the whole thing into a Blurb book! Fun for the grandkiddies.

    Of course, I suppose if you're roughing it then a laptop would be pretty darn impractical, huh? I know very little (next to nothing) about that part of the world, so take my ramblings with a grain of salt. :)

  2. I will be bringing my laptop and hopefully I will be blogging from abroad. If not I will be doing a journal at least. I will also post as many pictures as possible but I have not figured that out yet.
    The last thing on my list is a trip to Disney World but it would be boring by myself.
