Monday, May 17, 2010

As it is...

Now there is only three weeks left before I go. Excitement is not a word that is left in my vocabulary. I am way beyond that. Although at the moment I am bogged down with school related tasks. I always hate May. Too many people want something from you and they all want it right now. Grade this paper and this paper, none of which you administered as part of your subject area, then make sure they show that you and the school were successful. All of this is accomplished with a couple of papers. Yeah right. Teach to the test even though you don’t know or have any control over what is on that test. Also you must teach to the individual, duh, yet those tests grade to the general population, not the individual. The end of the year load kills me. I am glad that I get to go on this vacation and wouldn’t mind staying. Yep, it is May.

Well, Super Shuttle is picking me up at 3:30pm on the 4th to begin my trip. Scheduled and ready to go. I don’t have a scheduled return shuttle trip though. Debating whether I need one or not. All the travel is ready and I am willing and able. My only quandaries are about connections. That is the one weak point.

I am going to put it out to people to start thinking about what they want me to look into getting them while I am there. I will not make any promises but I will try. Space will be at a premium as is money. As for me I want from each country a Coca-Cola can, a stone and dirt, a statuette, and a huge Buddha. I am flexible about it though.

I will not let political anything in Bangkok hinder me in any way.

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