Thursday, May 20, 2010


This is my journal so I will write in it. I am so incredibly upset. No, I am fucking pissed. I just got a call from the travel company telling me that they were going to cancel the trip. No, they said they cancelled the trip. I can get my money back but that is not what I want. I want to go to SEA. This was my one chance to get there. I didn’t think it would ever happen and it did. Now the carpet is being harshly yanked out from under me at the last moment. I am so mad. I have tickets bought and it is past time to get a full refund. I have spent a lot of money on this trip, too much. I rejected two summer jobs for this trip. I sacrificed the ability to buy the new laptop that I wanted. This is something huge to me. This is not a, “Well, I will go next year” type thing. It is a now or never. I am crushed, severely and totally crushed.

I know there are people out there that are probably happy about this but to hell with them, this is mine.

I am to hell mad. I don’t care about the one day we are in Bangkok. We don’t have to go to the demonstrations, it is a big city. The area of all the commotion is not even near any of the places on our itinerary. We don’t even spend that long in Thailand. Damn it all.

I am going to do something to be there. I can’t let this slip out of my hands. I will do what I have to do.
(12:30 PM)

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