Monday, May 24, 2010

New Beginning

I just erased my trip from my calendar. I actually felt bad doing it. There was a lot of work done but now it is just eraser dust. Then I entered a new trip. It is not as concrete but it is a new trip. My new trip has reversed its path. I am now going to Vietnam, Cambodia, then Thailand. Unfortunately Laos it out of the picture. I guess I will just have to admire it from the plane. I better get a window seat. I now leave my house at noon on Saturday the 5th. I now come back in the morning of the 6th (July) instead of the evening. The only problem with that is I get into LAX on the night of the 5th. I have an incredibly long layover for LAX, 8 hours. I could drive home before the plane left LAX. I still have to get a visa and contact a lot of people to get confirmations. Do I have a Super Shuttle reservation yet? I have to go get some Vietnamese money before I go. I also need Arizona quarters and Altoids. Hopefully this Saturday. Here I go.

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